Custom Design a #10 Envelope Using Microsoft Word

October 12, 2012 6:21 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Word Env #10 - Intro ImageAre you tired of handwriting your return address on envelopes? Look professional when sending out your mail using envelopes printed with your return address and logo. This tutorial will guide you in using Microsoft Word as a tool for setting up the design for your pre-printed #10 envelopes. You will then be able to print the envelopes with your own printer or you can send the file to a commercial printer for printing.

If you follow this tutorial for #10 envelopes, your design will comply with United States Postal Service regulations. Setting up the margins specified in this tutorial will keep your return address and logo within the postal service’s specified area. A large portion of the envelope is designated for the recipient’s address which is typically read by scanners; another section is designated for a bar-code. See the image below for a diagram of the designated areas and their dimensions when using a #10 envelope.

 Word Env #10 Tutorial - Diagram

Step 1: Open Up Microsoft Word

Find the shortcut for Microsoft Word on your Desktop. If you do not have a shortcut located on your desktop, click on the Windows Start button. You can typically find this button in the lower left corner of your taskbar. Click on All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word.

Step 2: Change the Size of the Document

Once Microsoft Word has opened, you will probably see a blank document that has the dimensions of a letter sized paper. We need to change the document to match the dimensions of a standard #10 envelope.

  • Click on the Page Layout tab at the top of your screen.
  • Click on the Size button.
  • Select Envelope #10.

Word Env # 10 Tutorial - Change Size of Document

The blank document should have changed; the dimension of your document is now 4.12″ wide x 9.5″ tall. The size is correct, but the orientation of the envelope is incorrect.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Document in Portrait Orientation


  • Click on the Orientation button.
  • Select Landscape.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Change Document to Landscape Orientation

Your document should now resemble the image below. This is how we typically view a #10 envelope.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Envelope Document in Landscape Orientation


  • While still in the Page Layout tab, select the Margins button.
  • Select Custom Margins.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Select Custom Margins

  • Type in .25″ for the Top and Left margins.
  • Type in 2.75″ for the Bottom margin.
  • Type in 4.75″ for the Right margin.
  • Click OK.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Change Margins

You are now ready to create your customized envelope. Your document should look like the image below.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Envelope Document Ready for Customization


Step 3: Insert a Logo

  • Click on the Insert tab.
  • Click on the Picture button.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Inserting Logo

The Insert Picture dialog box will open up. Find the location of your logo on your computer. The logo that will be inserted for this tutorial is located on the Desktop. Microsoft can insert a variety of different file formats such as: .jpg, .png, .gif, .eps and others.

  • Select the logo that you want to insert.
  • Click OK.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Insert Picture Dialog Box

Microsoft should have placed your logo within the margins that we set up earlier.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Logo Shown on Envelope

Step 4: Insert Return Address

  • Click on the Insert tab if it already isn’t selected.
  • Click on the Text Box button.
  • Select Simple Text Box.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Inserting Text Box


Word Env #10 Tutorial - Default Text in Simple Text Box

  • Type in your Return Address within the text box. Include important information such as Company Name, Address, City, State and Zip Code.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Return Address Entered in Text Box

By default, Microsoft has added extra spacing in between each line. This can be easily changed.

  • Click on the Home tab.
  • With your text box selected, select No Spacing as the Style.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Remove Excessive Spacing from Return Address

Your address should now look a little more compact. You may have noticed that there is a solid black line around your address; Microsoft adds this by default as well.

  • Click on the Format tab.
  • Click on Shape Outline.
  • Select No Outline.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Remove Black Outline Around Address

Step 5: Final Adjustments

Depending on the format of your logo, you may be satisfied with the location of it. Microsoft Word automatically aligned the text box to the top border of the logo. If you want to adjust the position of the logo, you can do so. We are going to center the logo vertically to the text box.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Logo and Address Aligned at Top


  • Select your logo.
  • Click on the Format tab.
  • Click on the Position button.
  • Select Position in Middle Left with Square Text Wrapping.

Word Env #10 Tutorial -Select Position in Middle Left

By selecting a position other than In Line with Text, we will be able to position the logo manually.

  • Left-click your mouse button over you logo and continue to hold down the left mouse button.
  • Drag your logo to a completely different position on the envelope. We placed ours in the center.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Move Logo to Center of Envelope

  • Click and hold your left mouse button over the logo again.
  • Drag the logo back to a position that is  left of the return address while trying to center it vertically. Notice how the address shifted to the right. We will be able to move it closer to the logo.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Move Logo Back to Left Side

  • Left-click your mouse button while your pointer is over the return address. Continue to hold down the button.
  • Drag the return address closer to the logo. The space between the logo and the return address should be about .25″. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the address in any direction.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Logo Vertically Centered to Address

  • Make sure that your logo and return address falls within the margins that we set up earlier.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Make Sure Logo & Address Are Within Margins

Step 6: Save Your Document

  • Click on File > Save As.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Saving Envelope as Word Document

  • Choose the location on your computer where you want the file to be saved. We are going to save the file in the Documents folder.
  • Type in the name you wish to assign your document in the File name: field.
  • Select Word Document as the Save as type: if it isn’t already selected.
  • Click on Save.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Select Location and File Name

You have now saved your envelope as a Word Document. You can always open up the file and edit it. From this point, you can place #10 envelopes in your printer and print directly on your envelopes. You can use this file as a template if you want to add the recipient’s address at a later time; your work will already be partially done.

If you are considering getting your envelopes professionally printed because you need a large amount printed, you may need to save your document as a PDF. This is especially important if you used a unique font for the address.

  • Click on File > Save As.
  • Choose the location on your computer where you want to save the new file. You can save the PDF version in the same folder; we are going to save this file in the Documents folder as well.
  • Microsoft may use the same name that you used for the Word Document file type. If you want the PDF to have a different name, type in the name that you want to use in the File name: field. We are going to use the same name.
  • Click the drop down arrow for Save as type: and select PDF.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Saving File as a PDF

  • Before saving, make sure that the file is optimized for Standard (publishing online and printing). If  you choose the second option, the printing quality will not be as good.
  • Click Save.

Word Env #10 Tutorial - Optimize PDF for Print

You now have a PDF file that you can send to any custom printer. They should be able to open up your file regardless of what font that you used. We hope you have found this brief tutorial helpful. You can use the above steps to design any sized envelope, just enter the exact dimensions of the envelope that you are going to print on. If you decide to print your return address and logo on another envelope size, please feel free to ask us about guidelines for that specific size.



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